Activating the Life of Grace through Faith
Law makes you an earner. Grace makes you a receiver. The Law says, "Do." Grace says, "Done." The Law says, "Work to be holy." Grace says, "You are holy." The Law condemns. Grace redeems. The Law kills. Grace gives life. The law brings the curse. Grace brings the blessing. The Law reveals sin. Grace forgives sin. The Law was written on tablets of stone. Grace is written on the tablets of our hearts. The Law brought bondage. Grace brought freedom. Law is what you do. Grace is what Christ has done.
Dr. Maureen Anderson takes you through an in-depth study of the life of grace. It's a life of the New Covenant of what Christ has already done and given to us through His death, burial and resurrection. It's a revealer of God's heart for all people. She shares numerous life-impacting personal testimonies she experienced as she received the revelations of grace that have brought her into the "fullness of His grace," a place where God wants all of His children to live. From the fullness of His grace, we have all received one blessing after another. (John 1:16 NIV84)